Ariel Burstein's research


Contact arielb at , Department of Economics, UCLA ; Box 951477 ; Los Angeles, CA 90095 , (310) 206-6732.

Curriculum Vitae PDF

Recent Working Papers

Consumer Surplus from Suppliers: How Big is it and Does it Matter for Growth?with David Baqaee, Cedric Duprez, and Emmanuel Farhi, October 2024

Sufficient Statistics for Measuring Forward-Looking Welfare”, with David Baqaee and Yasutaka Koike-Mori, June 2024.

“International Income Comparisons by Matching Households Across Countries,with David Baqaee and Javier Cravino, October 2024.

Input Price Dispersion Across Buyers and Misallocation”, with Javier Cravino and Marco Rojas, October 2024.

Aggregate Welfare and Output with Heterogeneous Agents” , with David Baqaee, August 2021

“Bottom-up Markup Fluctuations” with Vasco Carvalho and Basile Grassi, December 2024, accepted Quarterly Journal of Economics. 


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Distribution Costs and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics,” with Joao Neves and Sergio Rebelo, Journal of Monetary Economics, September 2003.

Large Devaluations and the Real Exchange Rate,” with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, Journal of Political Economy, August 2005, Data and replication materials

Inflation and Output Dynamics with State Dependent Pricing Decisions,” Journal of Monetary Economics, October 2006.

Modeling  Exchange Rate Passthrough After Large Devaluations,” with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, Journal of Monetary Economics, March 2007.

Trade, production sharing and the international transmission of business cycles,” with Chris Kurz and Linda Tesar, Journal of Monetary Economics, May 2008.

Pricing to Market, Trade Costs, and International Relative Prices,” with Andrew Atkeson, American Economic Review, December 2008, Data used in the paper

Foreign Know-How, Firm Control, and the Income of Developing Countries,” with Alexander Monge-Naranjo, Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2009

Innovation, Firm dynamics, and International Trade,” with Andrew Atkeson, Journal of Political Economy, June 2010, Online appendix , Matlab codes , Slides 

“Importing Skill-Biased Technology” with Javier Cravino and Jonathan Vogel, AEJ Macro, April 2013, Online Addendum

“Measured Aggregate Gains from International Trade” with Javier Cravino, AEJ Macro, April 2015, Supplementary appendix, Slides


“International Trade, Technology, and the Skill Premium” with Jonathan Vogel, Journal of Political Economy, October 2017, Slides 

“Aggregate Implications of Innovation Policy” (includes online appendices) with Andrew Atkeson, Journal of Political Economy, December 2019, Matlab codes 


“Changes in Between Group Inequality: Computers, Occupations, and International Trade” with Eduardo Morales and Jonathan Vogel, AEJ: Macro, April 2019


“Tradability and the Labor Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence for the U.S.” with Gordon Hanson, Lin Tian and Jonathan Vogel, Econometrica, May 2020

“Exchange Rates and Prices: Evidence from the 2015 Swiss Franc Appreciation” with Raphael Auer and Sarah Lein, American Economic Review, February 2021, Paper plus online appendix 

“Welfare and Output with Income Effects and Taste Shocks” with David Baqaee, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2023, Online Appendix

Measuring Welfare by Matching Households Across Time”, with David Baqaee and Yasutaka Koike-Mori, Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2024, Online appendix, Slides

“Unequal Expenditure Switching: Evidence from Switzerland” with Raphael Auer, Sarah Lein and Jonathan Vogel, Review of Economic Studies, August 2023, Online appendix

“Cross-border shopping: evidence and welfare implications for Switzerland” with Sarah Lein and Jonathan Vogel, Journal of International Economics, November 2024.


Other Publications

Investment Prices and Exchange Rates: Some Basic Facts,” with Joao Neves and Sergio Rebelo, Journal of the European Economic Association, April/May 2004.

The Importance of Nontradables Goods' Prices in Cyclical Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations,” with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo,  Japan and the World Economy, August 2006.

Pricing to Market in a Ricardian Model of International Trade,” with Andrew Atkeson, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2007.

Welfare Costs of Inflation in a Menu Cost Model,’’ with Christian Hellwig, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2008.

“Trade Liberalizations and Firm Dynamics” with Marc Melitz, October 2011 (Advances of Economics, 2010 World Congress of the Econometric Society) , Slides


“International Prices and Exchange Rates” with Gita Gopinath, February 2013, Handbook of  International Economics, Data Appendix , Data replication material

“Transitional Dynamics in Aggregate Models of Innovative Investments” with Andrew Atkeson and Manolis Chatzikonstantinou, Annual Review of Economics, August 2019, Appendix 

“Exports and Invoicing: Evidence from the 2015 Swiss Franc Appreciation” with Raphael Auer, Katharina Erhardt, and Sarah Lein, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2019 

Older Working Papers

“Factor Prices and International Trade: A Unifying Perspective” with Jonathan Vogel, September 2011 

“Understanding Movements in Aggregate and Product-Level Real-Exchange Rates,’’ with Nir Jaimovich, October 2012 

“Prices and Market Shares in a Menu Cost Model,” with Christian Hellwig, September 2007