Teaching Technique Resources
Teaching Basics
The art of teaching notes linked below contain an organized presentation of essential teaching techniques and basic information regarding teaching in UCLA based on our Econ 495 seminar.
The art of teaching
Class Organization and Preparation
Class Organization
Handling Electronic Communication tools
Class Preparation
Content: Advice on how to structure a lecture
Additional Tips

Delivery: Advice on how to deliver a lecture
Additional Tips

Visual Aids: Advice on how to prepare effective visual aids to complement your lecture.

Student Motivation
Motivation basics
How do I motivate my students to learn?

Motivation Techniques
Active Learning: Students learn more when they are actively involved in the classroom and not just listening and taking notes.  Active learning techniques are methods to increase student involvement during class.
Active Learning in Economics Sections
Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom

The Hybrid Class
A webcast of a conference on the use of active learning techniques at UCLA.  The most interesting case is a professor who required students to comment on readings before class on a web discussion board.  This increased student participation in class discussions, because the discussion had already started and points of view had already been revealed before class.

Cooperative Learning: Cooperative learning refers to active learning techniques that include interaction between students -- i.e. working in pairs or groups.
Cooperative Learning: Increasing College Faculty Instructional Productivity

Cooperative Learning in Technical Courses
This is an excellent article which gives specific examples of cooperative learning techniques used successfully in a chemical engineering course. 

Ideas to improve the student-teacher relationship
Rapport with students

Problem Students: how to deal with them
Dealing with Problem Students

Taking into account student diversity
Student Diversity and Motivation

 Academic Dishonesty: For additional information please see the Office of the Dean of Students Website at www.saonet.ucla.edu/dos
The contact information of the Office of the Dean of Students to get any specific question addressed is also on the website.

UCLA policies on Academic Dishonesty: Definitions and suggestions to faculty to deal with Academic Dishonesty related issues (Office of the Dean of Students)

Notes informing students about academic dishonesty, the penalties if caught and how to get help in order to avoid falling prey to it. The Office of the Dean of Students suggestion to the faculty is to add to these pages to their course syllabi to fight academic dishonesty.

A practical guide to satisfy the main UCLA regulations regarding cheating for TAs

Practical tips to handle cheating

Measures to avoid alteration of examinations and some thoughts on re-grading policy

Getting Feedback on Teaching
Some practical suggestions to get feedback on teaching
Selected additional teaching topics
Foreign Teaching Assistants:The graduate advisor can make copies of the Manual for Foreign Teaching Assistants written by Gary Althen available to foreign teaching assistants.. The manual is an excellent reading regarding the difficulties that foreign teaching assistants may find in the American classroom and advice on how to face them adecquately.

Novice Teaching Assistants:Additional advice on how to face the first day of class.
The first day of class (written by John Quackenbush)

Sexual Harassment: UCLA policies, general information and a presentation prepared by Pamela Thomason (Sexual Harassment Campuswide Coordinator) on the matter