Technology Resources
List-serv Scientific Word PDF Files Webpages Scanning and Image Editing PowerPoint Dissertation Format Traditional 
MyUCLA Gradebook
Classweb: Classweb is a course webpage creating facility provided by Social Sciences Computing for faculty and TAs. The following is a brief handout on how to use the facility to create a TA site for your discussion section in just a few minutes and use some of its more basic options. 
Creating a TA Website
ListServ:  These are e-mail lists like Econ-Grads.  Sending an e-mail to the list means that everyone on the list receives the e-mail.  The convenience of these lists are that only the list owner needs to keep track of who is on the list.  Managing of listserv lists is done entirely by e-mail.  A student may create a listserv list with the approval of a faculty sponsor.
 ListServ Tutorial Overview
 ListServ Configuration Tutorial
 Create Your ListServ List
Scientific Word
Some Hints
Converting to PDF
Addendum to Tutorial
Creating Webpages
Scanning and Image Editing
  •  Mike's Sketchpad 

  • This quick tutorial covers all the basic information you need to know about working with images on the web.  Note however that when last tested the links in this site worked in Explorer, but not in Netscape.
  •  Scanning and Imaging Tips
  •  Preparing Images for the Web with Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Photoshop is a typical image editing program. Many features of this program are repeated by other image editing programs. The program is available for use by faculty or TAs at the CLICC labs in Powell Library. See the UCLA resources page for details regarding the labs.
Dissertation Format:  The following TEX file can be opened in Scientific Word and by using cut and paste for the Chapter Titles, Section Titles and Bodies of your papers, you should find that you have a document that meets UCLA Dissertation requirements.  (While at least one person swears by this method, this is shareware so there are no promises that the document won't need some "tweaking.")
Dissertation Format
My UCLA Gradebook: The myucla is a new resource available to Professors and TAs designed to make the handling of grades more time efficient that works through the campus MyUcla portal. To see a quick start guide and the user manual click on the links provided below.
MyUCLA Gradebook Manual
MyUCLA Gradebook quick start guide
Traditional Classroom Technologies: The following file provides some tips on how to use more effectively the overhead projector, the slide projector, the chalk board, the bodies and voices when teaching.
 Traditional Technologies in the classroom