summarized by the workshop participants, Spring 1999


Bulow and Klemperer Toeholds and Takeovers
Reviewer:  Note:  Click on the authors to get web access to their papers


Bulow and Klemperer Prices and the Winner's Curse
Reviewer:  Brown


Dasgupta and Maskin Efficient Auctions
Reviewer:  Dal Bo


Campbell and Levin Can a seller benefit from an insider in Common-value auctions?
Reviewer:  Han


Maskin Auctions and Privatization
Reviewer:  Chou


Milgrom Putting Auction theory to work - - the simultaneous ascending auction
Reviewer:  Fajnzylber


Englebrecht-Wiggans and Kahn Multi-unit auctions with uniform prices
Reviewer:  Penaloza


Krishna and Morgan Anti-competitive effects of Joint bidding and Bidder restrictions
Reviewer:  Pando


Benoit and Krishna Multi-object auctions with budget constrained bidders
Reviewer:  Cont


Lecture 3 Notes
Spectrum Auction